Firmware 3.52

Rund um die "Clonewheels" HX3.1 bis HX3.4 (mk4) und HOAX 2

Moderator: happyfreddy

Angelo Cappello
Beiträge: 37
Registriert: 5. Mär 2014, 10:41

Firmware 3.52

Beitrag von Angelo Cappello »

I have upgraded to Firmware version 3.52. Everything seems to work but I have still problems with analog controllers (no drawbars/pots connected). Drawbars settings change continuously on the display. Parameters 519 and 521 are not available in the editor window so I have used teraterm. But, even if wen=1 (write eeprom enable), when I boot again 519=5 and 521=5. It seems that values are not saved correctly. Can you check please ?
Thanks a lot
Best Regards
Angelo Cappello
Beiträge: 37
Registriert: 5. Mär 2014, 10:41

Re: Firmware 3.52

Beitrag von Angelo Cappello »

When updating firmware in expander mode the 519 (=2, Fatar) and 521(=255) parameters are correctly stored by teraterm. But, at startup, the display shows the correct drawbar setting for one second, then it turns to (always the same):
Any idea ?
Thanks a lot
Best Regards
Angelo Cappello
Beiträge: 37
Registriert: 5. Mär 2014, 10:41

Re: Firmware 3.52

Beitrag von Angelo Cappello »

Now the subject should be changed into FW3.53 :D .
Much more stable now. Installed everything with no problems (using JP5 jumper). I've seen also that parameter 519 is now 476 and default value is 5 (no more hardware test at startup). 521 is still usefull, at least until I will buy the tonewheels (maybe next week). So please do not remove it.
Great !
Thanks a lot

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