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preset and upper voice saved by midi how to...

Verfasst: 21. Sep 2023, 08:41
von zoleeon
Hi everyone!

Finally I got a good midi controller for HX 3.5 and managed almost set up everything that I need to control the unit but cannot deal with the store setup. I am using one of the custom CC set and there are a few rows about the store function, with their CC number and midi channel.
My setup.pdf
(11.42 KiB) 33-mal heruntergeladen

So I tried with toggle and momentary button...the HX3.5 is receiving some midi messages but nothing is saved. When I recall the preset it is the same as it was before modifying it. My organ module is set to channel 5 and the buttons were set for channel 8(in the CC set is midi channel 4), toggle or momentary on CC 58 and 59 with minimum value 0 and maximum value 127...but as I said is not doing anything....Could be also that the 'store upper voice' and 'store current preset' is for something else that I don't understand....... So if someone know how to do it or explain what are those rows about store I will gladly read and apply it.

Thank you!


Re: preset and upper voice saved by midi how to...

Verfasst: 22. Sep 2023, 04:23
von zoleeon
CC62 is saving both.