Firmware #3.83

Rund um die "Clonewheels" HX3.1 bis HX3.4 (mk4) und HOAX 2

Moderator: happyfreddy

Beiträge: 118
Registriert: 14. Apr 2015, 19:48

Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von RamonCliment »

Hi everybody !

Just updated to Firmware #3.83

HX3 mk3 controlled with midi from XK3 sys.
ToneTrimPot stuck at 95 or 100 no matter what you turn on it ...
No transpose option yet.

Everything else working fine !

Regs, Ramon.
Beiträge: 118
Registriert: 14. Apr 2015, 19:48

Re: Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von RamonCliment »

Hello everybody !

In the meantime problem solved, just uncheck option 'Tone / Amp Vol enable and can adjust from midi-keyboard

Still wait for the transpose option (it's a minor implementation, so don't be in a hurry !)

Warm regards to all !
RamonCliment hat geschrieben:Hi everybody !

Just updated to Firmware #3.83

HX3 mk3 controlled with midi from XK3 sys.
ToneTrimPot stuck at 95 or 100 no matter what you turn on it ...
No transpose option yet.

Everything else working fine !

Regs, Ramon.
Beiträge: 150
Registriert: 21. Jul 2014, 15:37

Re: Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von clp560 »

I tried to update to #3.83 today but ran into some FTDI problems. I was using Windows 10 for the first time (on my Mac as a virtual PC) and the first time I connected it saw the HX3 ok. Before I did any update I exported my Drawbar settings without problem. When I went to load the current general settings from my HX3 the remote editor showed 'busy', but no settings were transferred and the parameter part of the window was totally empty of either parameter names or settings. I shut down the Editor and when I reopened it couldn't see the HX3 again and kept saying 'no response from FTDI cable or USB extension'.

I've done all the restarts, unplugging etc., but while the computer does recognise that there is an HX3 board attached, the Editor always tells me it isn't! I tried installing the latest FTDI drivers (v2.12.06) and the Editor did see the USB/FTDI connector and asked me to choose it, but when I click 'OK' it again tells me there's 'no response from FTDI cable' etc..

I then tried using older versions of Windows, and even on another computer but nothing works. I tried using only the Flash updater but get the message that 'the HX3 board may be empty'. Fortunately nothing has been changed in the HX3 and it is still working normally.

Anyone able to suggest anything? It's always worked fine until today. All ideas welcome!

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Re: Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von bovist »

I got some fake FTDI adaptors (mostly those on small blue boards) from chinese source due to parts shortness in EU some month ago. Check if Windows device manager recognizes the FTDI adaptor chip correctly in "COM & LPT" ports. If driver sets VID/HID to "0000" (see Windows Device manager, Properties/Details/Hardware IDs), it's a fake chip. I will exchange it at no cost. I apologize for inconvenience. FTDI cables are not affected.

As a response to chinese forging activities, FTDI made up a new driver that will not work with fake FTDI devices (recent versions even "killed" them by setting their USB VID permanently to "0000"). When you updated to Windows 10, also FTDI drivers where updated so you run into problems with the fakes. BTW, the fake chips are well made - you can't distinguish them by lettering and engraving from genuine FTDIs, and they worked well with FTDI drivers up to version 2.09.
Beiträge: 99
Registriert: 27. Jan 2015, 15:50

Re: Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von Challenger »

Hallo Gemeinde,
Habe auch auf 3.83 erhöht, aber nicht wegen dem Tapering. Dabei habe ich ein altes und zwei neue Probleme festgestellt:
1. mit dem Remote.exe kann ich immer noch nicht MIDI Custom CC anwählen, obwohl im hx3_dropdown_menus.csv alle 6 Einträge aufgelistet sind und in hx3_organ_defaults.csv auch bei 435, MIDI CC Set,0,MidiCC,5 steht (also auch 6 Einträge). Vermutlich holt die Remote ihre Menüs aus anderen, nicht sichtbaren Dateien oder hat die Tabellen in sich integriert, und diese sind nicht nachgeführt.
2. Mein Midi-Computer sendet die Schwellerwerte auf CC07. Obwohl ich an der HX3 kein Volumeregler angeschlossen habe, Tone/Amp Vol Pot enable nicht aktiviert und im MIDI Custom CC $07 auf not assigned gestellt habe, verändert sich die Lautstärke trotzdem.
3. Auf CC04 habe ich Leslie Run (906) zugeordnet. Wenn ich diesen Schalter betätige mach die HX3 einen grossen Lautstärkesprung (leiser beim Einschalten lauter beim Ausschalten). Wenn ich im Remote das Leslie ein bzw. ausschalte bleibt die Lautstärke gleich.
Punkt 3 war auf jeden Fall bei 3.822 noch nicht vorhanden. Punkt 2, es kann sein dass CC07 schon früher nicht abschaltbar war.
Können andere User dieses Verhalten bestätigen?
Gruss Rolf
Beiträge: 150
Registriert: 21. Jul 2014, 15:37

Re: Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von clp560 »

Thanks Carsten, it's always great to have an explanation of a problem when I've been completely baffled by what could have changed to stop the system working normally. The Details that come up are:


so it seems that the new software has indeed blocked the fake FTDI converter (it has the blue board). So that's why reverting to the old drivers and older Windows version didn't work. I would very much appreciate a replacement USB FTDI board so I can continue to upgrade and edit. Should I send you a separate email or do you know who I am from my Forum details?

Thanks again for solving the issue,

Beiträge: 118
Registriert: 14. Apr 2015, 19:48

Re: Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von RamonCliment »

Hallo Leute !

Habe auch auf Firmware 3.83c heute aktuallisiert.

HX3 mit XK3 Midiset
Alles bestens.

Danke Carsten !
Beiträge: 150
Registriert: 21. Jul 2014, 15:37

Re: Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von clp560 »

While waiting for my replacement USB board I've been able to borrow a new USB FTDI board from a friend nearby and did the update to #3.83c. Everything went fine and the new tapering definitely gives more 'oomph' at the lower frequencies, and reduced harshness at the top end (I use the 1955 setting as it's closest to my B3).

The only issue I had was that when using Windows 10 the Editor shows only an empty window on the 1st (organ) page so nothing can be changed. Has anyone else tried using the Editor in Windows 10? When I went back to Windows 8.1 everything worked normally. I tried this more than once and got the same result. There's a screen shot below. Luckily I'm using a virtual PC so it's easy to revert to different operating systems.

HX3 Editor Windows 10.jpg
(79.87 KiB) 2621-mal heruntergeladen
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Re: Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von wolfgang »

ich wollte gerade das update 3.83 aufspielen, und zuvor noch eine Datensicherung meiner induviduellen Einstellungen vornehmen. Beim Öffnen des remote-menü-Punktes "Organ" und "Leslie" waren die Felder leer - wie bei dem Anhang von "clp 560" bzw. Paul. Die Menüpunkte "upper", "lower" und "advanced" hingegen waren vorhanden. Ich benutze immer noch win 7 und bislang ging alles ok.

Wer kann mir helfen?

Site Admin

Re: Firmware #3.83

Beitrag von wolfgang »

...Problem gelöst....einmal die Default-Dateien importieren und die Daten sind da... :twisted:

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