happyfreddy hat geschrieben:edwinvp hat geschrieben:
I mean with the adjustments only the levels between HOAX and amp . Output level from Hoax is line level and some clipping will be the result of the position of the gain pot at the amp.
Volume setting in real time via pot is more comfortable than any setting by programming parameters. If You want more volume in lesliechannel You only have to turn the pot nothing else.
Full playback and full control from a sequenzer even in MIDI Mode will cause a LATENZ in the system. Full control means that each Drawbar each Pot or switch must be acitavted and regulated by a controller PERMANENTLY ! plus the NOTE ON/OFF commands. Remember the Baudrate of 31250 Bd and what you can transmit per second. The Latenz only causes in the MIDI Commands not in generating the sound. Therefore it is decided : no MIDI Control of the drawbars. If You want to regulate the Drawbars live You have to regulate them manually at real drawbars.
Now what if you have a fine to very good MIDI controller that already has all the pots and sliders you want?
Would you still attach all those extra PCBs?
Granted, there will be some latency, as with all digital systems. But for the HOAX, I read it will be down to only a few [ms] or so.
So that's still very good (if true) and barely noticeable while playing. If noticeable at all.
I bet most people will start to feel the latency effects only after about roughly 8-10 [ms].
BTW: I could actually control the drawbars over MIDI yesterday, so that's apparently already built into the HOAX.
That's when I wondered if the "other" settings couldn't be controlled as well. Why one setting but not the other?
Seems random.
Realistically, I reckon it has to do with the original purpose in mind: converting/upgrading an existing Hammond organ.
Obviously, MIDI was just a distraction to the designer. But for me, it's presently the only way to get sound from the board!
Now about your MIDI explanation: I think the picture painted by you about it is a bit too dark.
In any case, if I were you I'd immediately buy another MIDI controller if yours is indeed working like you just described.
Constantly using MIDI-bandwidth to update something with the same controller value over and over? Doesn't sound good!
Even my simple E-MU MIDI-controller only sends updates when the pot (or slider) is actually changing.
If any pot is left alone, no MIDI traffic is generated for that.
Sounds quite what you'd expect, right?
It also means you are safe as long as you are not trying to adjust hundred pots/sliders *at the same time*.
But who actually does that?
For fun, I watched the MIDI messages as they came in from my digi piano.
Also this device only sends pedal (controller) messages when you vary the foot pressure on the pedal
At any other moment, MIDI stays quiet (apart from some sync. messages that are always transmitting).
The only problem I can think of now is what would happen if the A/D-converter of the pot would not give a monotone reading.
But something with noise instead: i.e.: 33 33 35 33 33 34 35 35 33 33 33 34
Then the computer would think the value is almost constantly changing and indeed waste bandwidth like you describe.
But hey, when even a cheap E-MU controller seems to be able to get this right, there's still hope :)
And when there's a (configurable) choice between either hardware scanned controls or indirect MIDI controls, everybody is happy.